Complete Canadian Curriculum 1 (Revised & Updated) - Popular Book Company

Complete Canadian Curriculum 1 (Revised & Updated) - Popular Book Company


The Complete Canadian Curriculum series of books covers key subject areas: Math, English, Science, History, Geography and Social Studies. The curriculum-based practice units are designed to ensure that your child understands the concepts and masters the necessary skills. With vivid illustrations and interesting activities, children find working through Complete Canadian Curriculum both fun and rewarding.

Inside Complete Canadian Curriculum Grade 1 workbook:

Mathematics worksheets cover numbers 1 to 100, addition, subtraction, counting, money, measurement, capacity, mass, 2-D shapes, 3-D solids, directions, and temperatures.

English worksheets cover consonants, vowels, rhyming words, nouns, sentences, capital letters, punctuation, verbs, adjectives, articles, and connecting words.

Social Studies worksheets cover heritage and identity, people and environments, etc.

Science worksheets cover my body, five senses, living things and their growth, healthful eating, safe and healthful living, objects and materials, changing materials, reuse and recycle, energy and the sun, day and night, seasons, plants through the seasons, and animals through the seasons.

Product Details

8.25 in H | 11.25 in W
383 Pages

Published by Popular Book Company

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