Abandoned Planet The Search Continues - Govia Andre

Abandoned Planet The Search Continues - Govia Andre


Andre Govia, a pioneer of urban exploration, continues his epic adventure in search of remnants of the past. Returning for this long awaited edition, this time accompanied by other intrepid explorers who share the same passion. The pathos, magic and profound sadness of each majestic image showcasing the definitive document of cinematic abandoned photography. Having explored over 800 individual locations Andre takes us on a journey behind the facade of abandoned buildings to discover the hauntingly beautiful discoveries within. Andre Govia is a legend among urban explorers. He has taken his camera into over 22 different countries worldwide to document the Narnia of global urban decay left behind by the march of time.

Product Details

10.3 in H | 10.3 in W

Carpet Bombing Culture

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