The Impossible Road Trip - Eric Dregni

The Impossible Road Trip - Eric Dregni


The great American road trip is back. With its advantages for your health, budget, and the environment, now is the time to plan the road trip you have always dreamed of taking. Following in the great tradition of the mid-century golden age of car travel, join the new wave of road warriors with a targeted itinerary chosen from the 150 roadside attractions explored in this colorful guide. From famous to quirky and covering all 50 states, author Eric Dregni gives you an unprecedented look at the breadth of roadside attractions in the US, illustrated in part by the photography of architectural critic and photographer John Margolies (1940-2016). Specially commissioned infographic map illustrations capture the spirit of mid-century automobile travel.

Product Details

10.6 in H | 9.6 in W | 0.8 in T | 2.3 lb Wt


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