Freud Couch Puppets - Multiples of 4/Style

Freud Couch Puppets - Multiples of 4/Style


Imagine you could have an actual therapy session with the great Sigmund Freud himself. Imagine you could reach into your pocket and pull out a little Freud and a little chaise lounge. Now imagine you could shrink yourself down, get on that couch, and let Freud analyze you! All of this is now possible thanks to the Freud & Couch Finger Puppet set. (Well, all except the "shrinking yourself down" part -- we're still working on that.) Each handsome box set contains a Freud Finger Puppet and a beautiful, tiny therapy couch. They're both magnetic, so you can stick 'em on your fridge when the therapy session is done.

Product Details

Freud & Couch Magnetic Personalities
Unit Pricing. Must be Ordered in Multiples of 4/style

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